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How to update your research project profile Written by robert.ayub.odhiambo

Category: Statistics  /  Created: 10/31/2023 19:21:37


One unique attribute that makes CTI stand out from the rest is the default requirement that each learning path must have a project to be completed by learners before a certificate is awarded.

Certificate in Data Science

All learners enrolled in a Certificate in Data Science will need to complete a research project around specific research field as defined during the cohort intake.

The illustration below will use as an example Education Field which was implemented by learners in Cohort #1.

The below instructions and guide assume that you have an account with CTI and have successfully logged in to the learner portal.


  1. Click on “My Profile” link to access the landing page of your profile
  2. Click on Edit and select “Update your profile”
  1. Fill the required fields and click on Update
  1. Upload the canvas to change your profile background canvas
  2. Upload your profile photo portrait
  3. Fill in any additional information you may wish to include