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Certificate in Data Science
National Development
Education and Youth Employment
1. Determine if there exist a relationship(s) between education and employment.

2. Identify and describe these relationship(s)

3. Identify opportunity areas that would increase employment rates amongst the youth.

4. Build predictive models that would assist in job matching depending on level of education
Findings from literature review state that education is an important determinant in employment status. Youths with no education find it difficult to get employment as compared to those with primary, secondary or tertiary education.

According to the Kenyan Government (GoK, 2006) the growth of the economy has not been adequate to generate sufficient employment opportunity to take in the rising labor force of about half a million every year. The economy only takes in approximately 25 per cent of youth, and 75 per cent are left to suffer unemployment.

Individuals aged below 35 years make up around 80 per cent of the population, while the youth aged 15-35 years account for about 37 per cent of the population (KIPPRA, 2013).

Education and training are necessary for the youth to be able to access market for labour without many hitches because they raise their production level and chances of being employed. For instance people with no education always have higher rates of unemployment compared to people with primary, secondary and tertiary levels of education (ILO, 2010).
Work in progress
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