The relationship between diploma/degree qualification and employment.
1. To identify the skills employers want from graduates, between diploma holders and degree holders who is better placed to be recruited.
2. To provide adequate information to students enrolling in either diploma or degree programs about the needs in the job market hence make a better choice in their career paths.
Diploma holders stand a higher chance of getting employed compared to their counterpart the degree holders. A number of surveys conducted amongst the employers reveal that employers are more interested in candidates that possess high technical skills and are ready for the job market. Employers are trying to cut the cost of training first time employees, they therefore prefer a candidate that is ready for the job market. The diploma courses offer a practical approach in their curriculum while the degree curriculum are used knowledge base approach. The practical approach give the student a view of the real world in which he/she will likely face after completion of studies. There is therefore a need for students to have a more informed decision when selecting what field to venture in as what skills will be beneficial in their job seeking journey.